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tv   ABC World News Now  ABC  October 4, 2013 1:40am-4:01am PDT

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to prove the skeptics wrong. hi. are you karen? [ karen ] yes, i am you said in a focus group, "they just mask the smell." i'm going to ask you to find the smelliest item in your home. here. okay. [ laughs ] very, very strong dog odor. this is febreze free. it has no perfume. wow. now it smells clean, and it doesn't have an odor. you're welcome. [ male announcer ] odor elimination without masking. the proof is in every bottle of febreze fabric refresher. breathe happy.
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♪ drugs that promise speed and strength are in demand. some people are going to any length to get them. >> an abc news investigation uncovered a vast overseas market for steroids, but what's really in those drugs? david kerley has the story. >> reporter: some want this look, six-pack abs, muscles cut. others want to hit a baseball like this. teens have been flocking to steroids. a staggering 1.5 million admit to using the drug. taylor hooten, a high school pitcher, did to get big, but not without side effects. now there are concerns over an
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easy way to score steroids. >> steroids work like magic. >> reporter: on youtube, some videos promote, others lead to sites where you can buy. >> we are looking for steroids. >> reporter: 22 million hits, but guess what, most of the drugs come from overseas. >> prescription is not required to order our products. illegal in the united states. >> reporter: an online watchdog, the digital citizens alliance, saw an explosion of these sites and went shopping. one package from thailand, the product said made in pakistan. one from slovakia, said made in china. one vial had steroids, but it is unclear how potent. this was supposed to be human growth hormone but it wasn't. in fact, the lab couldn't determine exactly what users would be putting in their bodies. >> there are instances where it is found to be lead or arsenic. much of the raw product comes from china. as the pictures show, the steroids are not always show the steroids are not always made in sterile conditions, flies on filter and a motorcycle in the back.
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>> this is international drug dealing. it is places we have no control over and going directly to our kids. >> reporter: youtube makes money from all kinds of ads that accompany the videos, telling abc news it has systems to prevent ads from appearing on objectionable material and that it removes millions of videos each year that violate our policies, videos flagged for our attention. don hooten says youtube should be member proactive. taylor was his son who, after using steroids, became depressed and committed suicide. >> if the kids can find these sites, then google and youtube can find these sites and shut them down. >> reporter: after abc news started to a answer questions, youtube says it is blocking its ads connected to buy steroids searches but thousands remain alike click away. david kerley, abc news, washington. >> how scary is that? >> we are talking about the worldwide. -- the worldwide web. so many people are going on and
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posting things and i understand how you tube is saying we would need a watch dog of our own to monitor videos out there but maybe that is what needs to happen if that is the stuff getting. >> to think you are almost hoping you are getting steroids when you buy steroids versus what else it could be. >> arsenic, lead. they couldn't even identify one vial. >> scary. >> absolutely. up next, a trip inside "insomniac kitchen." and a visit to juniors a new york institution for a hearty snack. a soldier is calling a 12-year-old boy his hero. you are watching "world news now." >> announcer: world news now continues after this from our abc stations. calling a 12-year-old boy his hero. you are watching "world news now."
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♪ ♪ well i like my chicken that song pretty much says it all. one of my favorite guilty pleasures -- and i'm sure one of yours and yours, a great piece yours and yours, a great piece of fried chicken. >> that's right. we sent amanda van allen to junior's to get the famous finger licking fried chicken recipe. >> reporter: we are juniors in brooklyn, new york, where we are going to learn how to make fried chicken. they are famous for their cheesecake but today we are going to learn something a little bit different. i'm so excited. >> me, too. we've been making fried chicken at junior's for 63 years, believe it or not. >> reporter: what's our first step? >> you have to have great chicken. we will make a batter and a breader. for that we will use whole eggs. >> reporter: okay, how many eggs? >> five whole eggs. >> reporter: okay. okay, how much milk is that? >> i believe that's a cup and a quarter.
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all-purpose flour. little cornmeal. little kosher salt. baking powder. fresh black pepper. >> reporter: all right. we mix it all together. >> now we will make the flour mixture that we will use to coat the chicken. all-purpose flour, cajun seasoning -- so if you want your chicken more spicy, paprika, salt and black pepper. want to do this neatly. if you want to do this neatly, you can use a pair of tongs if you want. coat that a little bit. let it sit and then rest it right here. thighs, my favorite part. you want to basically make this two turns and done. here's some breasts. we'll tax cut -- we'll put it -- i like to do the back side down first. if you want to stick your knife
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in it and see if the juices run clear. when the juices run clear, food's done. so there we go. >> the best part is about to happen. >> yeah. >> we are going to -- >> yeah, sit, relax and eat fried chicken. >> these are some of your famous sides. >> mac and cheese, cole slaw, traditional with fried chicken. mashed potatoes, collard greens. >> reporter: let's dig in. >> cheers. >> reporter: i'm so excited. no meal would be complete without dessert. so of course juniors is super famous for their cheesecake. as you can see here. >> we have a few slices here. >> reporter: oh man, i'm so excited. cheers. >> thank you to amanda for this piece. i knew about the cheesecake but -- >> i didn't know about the chicken at all. >> now i do. >> i'm really excited about this.
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let me give this a try. >> what kind of cheesecake is here? >> they have red velvet, which i will dig in to in a second. devil's food cheesecake. check that thing out. strawberry cheese pie. beautiful strawberries on the top. they're enormous, by the way. >> pumpkin. i can see that one. >> this is pumpkin one. regular cheesecake, which i must say while everything is delicious the platter, just the regular, plain cheesecake is the best thing they make. it is so delicious. by the way, the fried chicken is amazing as well. it is tender, juicy on the inside, crispy and flaky on the outside. i hope we are making you jealous. i wish this was smell-a-vision. >> everything fat free. no calories at all. >> not a calorie in sight. just the kind of food i like. >> sometimes it is good to be us. >> sometimes. >> it is friday and we are happy. >> like today. >> juniors, thank you. amanda, thank you for that report. coming up an athletic accomplishment you have to see to believe. it is "the mix" and our friday polka. an athletic
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accomplishment you have to see to believe. it is "the mix" and our friday polka.
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welcome to "the mix." we have incredible video to show you. this is mary klein, a cheerleader in ohio, and she also happens to be the brand new record holder of back flips. check her out. or back hand springs. >> seven, eight, nine, ten. i'm not going to count. >> before the world record is official who was there counting all of them. she does 40 and beats the last world record which was 36. it almost looks fake after a while. >> it does. >> i'm getting dizzy watching her. >> absolutely. how does she not pass out? i wonder what happens at the end -- can she walk away? does she have to sit on the ground. >> this is incredible. >> and she is still on her feet.
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>> on her feet. >> amazing. >> no fuss, no muss. >> that's truly amazing. okay, put up the picture. this is a czech broadcaster doing the czech news. what's going to happen here? you see that thing up here. that is male genitalia blacked out on the monitor. the television and berries. the nether regions as diana perez likes to call it. they explained it is part of a documentary and shouldn't have been up there and they don't know how it got up there and they all laughed about it. that was on czech nightly news. doing! >> have a nice weekend. ♪ ♪ ♪
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♪ [ applause ] ♪ [ applause ]
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this morning on world news this morning on "world news now," intense investigation. a woman shot dead, her child riding in the car, and what police are uncovering this morning. federal frustration, the political noise on capitol hill as the president points fingers. the search for progress in solving the government shutdown now going in to its fourth day. young hero. a u.s. soldier who's saluting a 12-year-old boy for his incredible life-saving act. what happened on the water that put a trained military man in deep trouble. and celebrity advice. the wisdom going out to young miley cyrus from sinead o'connor. that's in "the skinny" on this friday, october 4th. >> announcer: from abc news, this is "world news now" with john muller and diana perez.
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good friday morning. we begin with new details about the shooting at the nation's capitol. the suspect is identified as miriam carey. a dental hygienist who lived in stamford, connecticut. police and a hazmat team have been at her apartment complex in stamford since last night. >> a family member in brooklyn, new york, revealing carey suffered from postpartum depression so severe it required hospitalization. our coverage on the shooting begins on capitol hill with abc's jim avila. >> reporter: the unmistakable sound of gun fire as an unarmed woman, sources say had a history of mental illness and a toddler in her backseat eludes police. taking secret service and capitol hill officers on a wild mile and a half ride around d.c. monuments and up america's most important street, pennsylvania avenue. >> i heard gunshots. >> reporter: it started here at 2:12, the southeast corner of the white house compound.
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the black car rams into barricades that do their job. eyewitnesses say uniformed secret service agents are watching it all. secret service begins the chase up pennsylvania avenue to the foot of capitol hill. by 2:30, she stopped at the botanical gardens. look again as she is surrounded by police, guns drawn. a patrol car tries to block her but she puts it in reverse and speeds away. that's when the first gunshots are fired at the fleeing vehicle. the tv cameraman and arabic speaker follows her as she circles the peace memorial in front of the capitol and buzzes up constitution avenue. only then is she out of range and finally stopped past the senate side of the capitol, a block from the supreme court at 2:32. it's then that members of congress, walking toward their offices on a perfect fall day,
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begin hearing a new round of gunfire. they are told to hide their identities. inside the capitol, in fact by 2:23, members of congress have been told, via loud speakers, to shelter in place. >> we thought we heard shots, saw a lot of police cars and then heard shots and then the police told us to go back. we were simply walking back to our office. >> it sounded like shots. >> reporter: the shots they heard came from police surrounding the black car. the suspect is fatally shot, without leaving her driver's seat. the most serious injury to a law enforcement officer is a capitol police officer, who joined the pursuit and hit a capitol barricade as it was being released to lockdown the area. >> madam speaker, with your permission, i ask for a moment of silent prayer for those officers injured today. >> reporter: jim avila, abc news. >> we are gradually getting more
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details about the suspect, miriam carey. >> let's go live to capitol hill where karen travers is standing by this morning. karen, what else have we been able to uncover about this woman? >> reporter: 34-year-old miriam carey was from stamford, connecticut, and family members say she had a baby in august of last year, a daughter who is about 1 years old now and thought to be the toddler in the vehicle during that high-speed chase. she was a dental hygienist who lived in stamford, and family members say she suffered from severe postpartum depression but was never violent. and there are many questions as to why she ended up in washington, d.c., and why she led police on the chase and what was behind everything that happened yesterday. >> karen, the government shutdown playing a role in this this with capitol police working a difficult day with no pay. >> reporter: that's right, john. the capitol police that were involved in yesterday's pursuit are not getting paid. they are considered essential employees, but not going to get a paycheck until the government is up and running. they will get back pay for that.
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another aspect where the government shutdown played a role yesterday, it was very quiet on capitol hill all of this week. most staffers are not working. you don't see tons of people walking around the hallways, walking around the sidewalks and buildings around the capitol hill complex. that's one good thing with the incident that happened yesterday. police everywhere and of course the high-speed chase going on. you didn't have all of the numbers of people that would normally be here if the capitol was fully up and running. >> karen travers reporting live from capitol hill for us this morning, thank you. there may be behind-the-scenes movement to ending the government shutdown. republicans are leaning toward a deal that would include raising the debt ceiling. meanwhile, the president and gop leaders are stepping up the political rhetoric. >> if the speaker of the house, john boehner, simply let the bill get on the floor for an up or down vote, the shutdown would end today. >> because there is an insistence on no negotiations, no talking, my way or the highway, we are here.
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[ applause ] >> reporter: president obama has cancelled his planned trip to asia next week because of the shutdown. texas lawmaker wendy davis is back in the national spotlight. davis rose to national prominence in june for her nearly 13-hour filibuster against new abortion restrictions in texas. the democrat announced she is running for governor. her opponents plan to use davis' abortion stand as a rallying cry to christian conservatives. california joined the growing list of states allowing illegal immigrants to get driver's licenses. governor brown signed the bill in front a cheering crowd in los angeles. it was backed by law enforcement and insurance companies. they want to be sure that immigrants are properly trained and tested before driving. tropical storm karen churning in the gulf of mexico on the way to the u.s. mainland. people who live from new orleans to the florida panhandle are getting ready. they are taking boats out of the water, securing homes and getting supplies. heavy rain definitely on the way. the tropical storm is gaining strength and could grow to a
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category one hurricane by the time it arrives. dangerous wind and flooding downpours are expected as tropical storm karen moves to the shore. >> let's get the latest from jim dickey at accu-weather. >> reporter: good morning, here's karen sitting right in the middle of the gulf of mexico here drifting slowly to the north and northwest. we are expecting the storm to make a turn to the north and east. generally stay around the intensity it is now. likely staying a tropical storm. it could potentially reach minimum hurricane force but likely then reaching tropical storm force again. as it makes landfall you will deal with sheer and dry air. that will keep it fairly weak but some soaking rainfall to the gulf coast and the northeast through the weekend. john and diana, back to you. >> all right. jim dickey, thank you for that. while the gulf prepares for that tropical storm, it's winter in the rockies. heavy snow fell there and will fall and move to the upper midwest and santa ana winds will blow across southern california. showers and thunderstorms along the gulf ahead of karen's arrival. pleasant and warm in the mid-atlantic and northeast states.
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>> 79 new york. 88 miami. 88 kansas city. 51 colorado springs. 43 billings, and 63 degrees in seattle. we are talking about the snow, here's what some of it looked like. very white, as you can see. just like snow should on oregon's mt. hood there. there was plenty of it. more than 17 inches had daredevils flying off of a roof of a building there. >> they are already in midwinter form. the folks hitting the slopes said the snow is heavy and wet but overall they said any snow is better than no snow at all. and you can keep it all. >> those guys are good, getting into it early. the timberline resort is not open for business yet until mid-november. i'm guessing they're guys who work there. >> they are probably the ones that test it before the crowds arrive. they are happy to be there i'm sure. >> pretty cool. coming up, sinead o'connor has a strong message for miley cyrus. the 12-year-old boy saluted for rescuing a soldier in big trouble. it wasn't as easy as it seems,
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though. you are watching "world news now." ♪ i need you now ♪ rescue me in the middle of the ocean ♪ >> announcer: "world news now" weather brought to you by colonial penn life insurance. blampt r -- "world news now" weather brought to you by colonial penn life insurance. ce.
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a guy who we usually call a
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you see the gray. try root touch-up by nice 'n easy. just brush our permanent color matching creme right where you need it. then rinse. in ten minutes zap those grays and get on with your day. nice 'n easy root touch-up.
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♪ rescue me in the middle of the
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ocean ♪ a guy we usually call a hero is applying that to a young boy. >> a soldier kayaking in a reservoir became trapped in rough waters. the boy was able to save the soldier's life. and that's why it is our "favorite story of the day." olivia wilson from our station in colorado springs has more. >> i was scared for my life. >> reporter: words that staff sergeant wesley patton never dreamed he would think on 11 mile reservoir. he was kayaking on sunday when choppy waters flipped over his kayak. 12-year-old aidan and his dad were fishing nearby. >> i yelled and asked if you are okay and he said yeah. >> reporter: "yeah" turned in to uh-oh quickly. >> as it filled with water, the boat was pulling me over. >> reporter: wesley of tangled in his net and fishing gear, and his kayak was sinking. >> i said, are you still okay and he said, no, i need help. >> reporter: aidan started to toss anything in the boat to save him. >> i threw these which would help him because it is a life jacket.
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>> reporter: a panicked wesley made it to the edge of the boat. >> we were pulling him up here. pulling him up -- it was not easy. >> reporter: safe. but it one over yet. when he made it on board -- >> we had him here. >> reporter: wesley realized he was having an asthma attack. >> he was breathing heavy. >> reporter: once the three got to shore, aidan jumped out of his truck and rushed to get his inhaler so wesley could breathe normally again. >> what was going through my mind, nothing because i was in total shock. >> reporter: he must have hidden the shock. >> he was very mature and helpful. >> reporter: next month, patton will be fighting to save others, but he'll always remember the brave boy who fought turbulent waters to save him. >> i was like oh, i saved a guy's life. >> i will live another day for him. >> reporter: in lake george, newschannel 13. >> how cool is that kid? >> so mature he needs to run for mayor of his town. >> he is like, i threw him a life jacket because it is a life jacket and will save his life.
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>> a neat kid. and even when they were on shore, it wasn't over yet. he had to run and get the asthma medicine. >> must have had the presence of mind because he sudden he was in shock. a lot of people in that situation start to panic but to have the presence of mind, he needs help. i can help him and this is how i can help him at such a young age. >> and the way he recreates the -- re-creates the story, the smile -- he is a showman. we love that kid. >> yeah. good for him. congratulations. coming up, the 16-year-old who's singing her way to the top of the charts. and a special song of tribute performed during last night's episode of "glee." we will have it in "the skinny." >> announcer: "world news now" continues after this from our abc stations. >> announcer: "world news now" cont
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♪ skinny ♪ so skinny ♪ skinny ♪ so skinny skinny time. >> get your tissues ready.
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if you are a fan of "glee." we have been waiting for the tribute to cory montieth to happen. it is going to happen on thursday, october 10th. but there is a preview of the tribute. it's called "a farewell to finn promo." this information is courtesy of e by the way. it shows the cast putting together a memorial for hudson as michelle sings adele's track "make you feel my love." listen in. ♪ i could make you happy ♪ make your dreams come true ♪ nothing that i wouldn't do ♪ go to the ends of the earth for you ♪ ♪ to make you feel my love >> must have been very hard for that. ryan murphy told reporters it was incredibly difficult to work on this and difficult to shoot. on this and shoot. several cast members no longer on the series, regulars are returning to the show. so a lot of extra people in here. the farewell to finn airs at
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thursday, 9:00 p.m. on fox, october 10th. >> i can't imagine how difficult that is. to grieve on your own at home in your own space is one thing but to do it out in public. that was her boyfriend and they were talking about marriage. it's hard. move on to this. sinead o'connor penned an open letter to miley cyrus. miley conducted an interview with "rolling stone" that said sinead on, c'connor's "nothing compares to you" is her inspiration for "wrecking ball." the one where she is on the "wrecking ball," sometimes clothed and sometimes naked and then this scene where she is singing in to the camera and starts crying. that is reminiscent of sinead o'connor's "nothing compares to you" video, as well. sinead o'connor took the opportunity to pen an open letter to miley and essentially she is telling her to not let hollywood make her into a prostitute in not so many words. here's what she says, concern
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here's what she says -- i'm showing concern for those around you that have led or encouraged you to believe that this is cool to be naked and licking sledge hammers in your videos. it is not an empower. of yourself or any other women for you to send across a message that you are to be valued more for your sexual appeal than your obvious talent. she is calling her talented and appealing to her to tone it down a little bit. i think everyone can understand where she is coming from. miley cyprus responded to the whole deal by taking to twitter and unfortunately making fun -- making a joke of sinead o'connor's mental illness. she tweeted before amanda bynes there was dot dot dot. and we know that amanda bynes is dealing with mental illness. >> that is a brilliantly wicked little response. says it all and says nothing. >> right. let's talk about britney. someone who started it all. she says in a radio interview, and this is courtesy of tmz she was pushed to be too sexy in her new video which is called "work"
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-- rhymes with witch, "work, b." she says she's a mom now and was worried about being too sexy. she said i cut out half of the video because it is too much skin now that i'm a mom in the racy scenes. she said, "i'd like to bring it back to the old days when it was one outfit throughout the whole thing and make it about the dance." isn't that funny? britney spears the older, wiser. >> now saying it is too sexy. >> life is a cycle. >> how long before miley cyrus says the same thing? >> exactly right. sticking with miley cyrus, 16-year-old lorde hit the billboard top 100 and she is number one, smashing everything in her path, including miley cyrus' "wrecking ball." let's take a quick listen to this. ♪ >> so she is essentially the anthesis of miley cyrus.
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she keeps it all covered up and this is her hit, "roiled." she will be on gma later today so you can hear it. she will be on gma later today so you can hear it. it. "gma" later on today so you will be able to hear it.
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♪ the government shutdown dominated the news this week. here's our friday rewind. >> this is a very sad day for our country. >> i think it is crazy. the whole holding the government hostage over obama care is ridiculous. >> if they were going to lose their paychecks like everybody else lost their paychecks it may motivate them to solve some of the problems they are facing now. >> the president reiterated one more time tonight he will not negotiate. all we are asking for is a discussion and fairness for the american people under obama care. >> am i exasperated? absolutely i'm exasperated because this is entirely unnecessary. >> uh-oh, message says health
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care insurance marketplace is busy. please wait. >> i was not successful. seems to be a small glitch. >> paralyzed from the waist down. his spine broken in two places and there's no hope for that, as well. >> a decision was reached after careful consideration of five months of testimony. >> michael jackson was pretty used to getting his own way. he was a big star. >> how have you changed? >> i know that my family was expecting the old amanda back, which is the old amanda back and i'm not quite as chirpy anymore. >> i just asked mia pointblank, is ronnan frank sinatra's son? >> what was her answer when you asked her face to face? >> she said possibly. >> that connection comes from an unrequited love, if you will. we never consummated anything and i will guarantee
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you everybody thinks we did. >> could we now before we die? >> those two are so much fun together. they are making fun of each other's facelifts. >> that was probably the best part of the interview. she talks about how people criticized her because she thought she put beauty ahead of her health as in her large cleavage. >> she's natural, right? that's nothing -- >> i'm not sure about that. sorry, john. >> don't know. >> we will have a conversation after. >> you can fill me in. we want to remind you, by the way, about a very special feature on our facebook page for our facebook fans. >> it is called "in case you missed it." it features the best moments of the week, log on to our facebook page at to check it out. >> we have a bunch of them on there and they are actually quite funny. go on there and check it out. >> that's what is making news this half hour. see you in a little bit. >> announcer: this is abc world's news now, informing insomniacs for two decades. >> announcer: this is abc world's news now, informing insomniacs for two decades. world's news
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this is why i joined the guard. i couldn't believe it. i just saved a life. somebody from my hometown. announcer: be there for your community, at
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good morning. i'm john muller. >> and i'm diana perez. here's the stories we are working on now. police have identified the suspect in the shooting near the capitol. family members say that miriam carey suffered from severe postpartum depression. in a few moments, we will hear more about the suspect and her family. as the government shutdown enters the fourth day there may be some movement behind the scenes. republicans may be ready to offer a deal, which would include raising the debt ceiling, as well. california joins the growing list of states allowing illegal immigrants driver's licenses. police backed the bill saying it
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ensures all drivers have been properly trained and tested. and that big snowstorm moves across the rockies into the northern plains. there's plenty of snow on oregon's mt. hood, more than 17 inches to be exact. enough to have skiers and snow boarders dreaming of winter. those are the top stories on this friday, october 4th. >> announcer: from abc news this is "world news now" with john muller and diana perez. >> happy friday, everybody. we made it. >> happy friday. we sure did. it was a quick week. i got to say. felt quick to me. it was a loor m >> yeah. >> i have to say, i hit a -- it's like, oh, it's wednesday. thursday and friday takes forever and then scot-free. >> yes, we are. woryes, we are. letegih the gulf
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people are getting ready, and states of emergency are in place in three states. >> what can we expect? our coverage begins with matt gutman. >> reporter: hurricane and tropical storm watches are posted from southeast louisiana to florida asose for tropical storm karen. ilf, nea quarterf ouis d oil and gas platforuate quarterf ouis d oil and gas platforuate notable for its lack of hurricanes. predictions were dire, 18 storms, eight hurricanes but -lore's no cominin it een no cominin normal. >> reporter: the only storm to make landfall in the u.s. this year is t back in june, it hit florida and pe ea late season storms can be deadly. since then they have bee keeping records. 53 formed in october, 17 of them major. one of the worst, superstorm sandy, which tore a path through
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24 states, killing 117. while the gulf is bracing for a late-season hurricane, further north the upper midwest and late-season hurricane, further north the upper midwest and rockies are gearing up for their the next 72 hours will bring one to two feet of snow in matman, with a big winter storm and potential hurricane in the forecast, we turn now to accu-weather. >> our coverage continues with the latest from meteorologist the m. est from meteorologist jim? >> reporter: good mornjohn and diana. here's karen looking at the acr thaof mexico. continuing to make its way not expected to be a major hurane ste it is fghti sheer. the wind sheer i approaches the coa going to make a turn to the nor likely making landfall ornlonghe fridlandfall panhandle. what can we expect, tropical storm-force winds. a wide area seeing that along the coast. see minimal storm surge with this flooding rainfall inland as it moves north and east. also here today, an active weather day across the country. strong low in the nation's mid section. severe thunderstorms, iowa,
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blizzard conditions in to the plains. john and diana, back to you. >> thank you. now to our other top story this morning and the latest on the shooting near capitol hill. police have identified the woman driving the car as miriam carey a dental hygienist living in stamford, connecticut. she was shot dead while still in the driver's seat of her car. a little girl was rescued from the backseat unharmed. thank goodness. it appears to be an isolated incident with no ties to terrorism. police were working through the night at a condo complex in stamford, connecticut, where carey lived. 50 people were told they had to sleep somewhere else tonight as the investigation unfolded. wabc was there. >> reporter: as if things couldn't get scarier at this suburban complex, the fire department set up a decontamination unit where three men were treated for some kind of exposure before treated by paramedics. they have no reason to believe
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they came in contact with anything dangerous but it was an ominous sight. >> we are taking it through hazmat to decon. >> reporter: at the suspect's childhood home in brooklyn the nypd questioned the family as investigators try to piece together her last few days. >> smile on her face. she didn't seem like there was a problem or anything. >> reporter: childhood friend donald knowles said everything seemed fine. lately she's been happy. >> she has a small child. that's not her. doesn't make sense. >> she had her own place in connecticut. had a wonderful life. i don't understand. doesn't make any sense at all. >> reporter: none of it makes sense to the people who loved her who fear they may never find out why. >> everything was okay. her little joke and she went about her business. >> reporter: family members tell abc news carey was suffering from postpartum depression, serious enough for her to require hospitalization. a major part of the investigation as detectives try to understand why. abc news, stamford, connecticut.
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>> really is the biggest question, why? >> so hard to understand. >> what could have possibly driven a woman to do something like this. everything we are hearing about her. she had a job, single mom, she was fine. her neighbors said she went about her business. nothing seemed to be wrong. aside from -- some red flags about the state of her mind. >> no violence in her history. nothing like this. >> nothing like that. tragedy. 50 people from the apartment complex have to sleep somewhere else. >> that's right. from what we have been told, according to to the officials on the scene, the little girl in her car which we have made and assume it is her daughter because of the age is okay. not one scratch on her luckily. >> thank goodness. >> thank goodness is true. a young woman accused of pushing her newlywed husband off a cliff is charged with first-degree murder. prosecutors say jordan linn graham confessed to pushing cody johnson to his death. it happened in glacier park in
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july days after their wedding. graham will be in court today in montana. she faces life in prison if convicted. police in atlanta are asking for the public's help to identify a jewelry thief. he walked up to a kay jewellers counter and ordered employees to the floor at gunpoint and then helped himself to $300,000 worth of engagement rings and merchandise. no one was hurt. the suspect is on the loose. in italy, the bodies of 114 people have been recovered in the waters off of the southern coast. they were passengers on a ship from africa. illegal immigrants desperate for a better life in europe. jeffrey kofman reports from italy. in the dark of night, hundreds of men, women and children were flung into the sea. most did not know how to swim. as the italian coast guard combed the waters and weary survivors were plucked from the sea, the scale of the tragedy was becoming clear. the boat was crammed with about 500 illegal migrants. 159 rescued.
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more than 100 bodies have been recovered, several hundred more are still missing. according to survivors, the migrants came from africa to board the boat in libya, heading 200 miles to lampedusa. half a mile offshore, someone aboard lit a blanket to get help from passing ships but the boat caught fire and everyone ran to one side and it capsized. the italian coast is the gateway to europe for desperate my grants who make the treacherous journey every year in search of freedom and prosperity and every year hundreds die. the pope visited lampedusa in july to draw attention to the plight. he called the mass drowning a disgrace. jeffrey kofman, abc news, italy. pope francis offered up prayers for the shipwrecked victims at the vatican. he made a historic visit to the
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town of assisi whose name he took. the pope said he was inspired by the pope who preached the gospel of the needy. some bank customers in mississippi woke up to find out they were trillionaires. a computer glitch added a lot of zeros to their bank accounts. brendan fraser said he went on-line to check on the amount of his paycheck when he got the surprise. >> something that doesn't happen every day. it is a good feeling until it goes away. >> go away it sure did. the bank realized the error, apologized and quickly deleted the extra zeros. >> he was the richest man in the world for a brief moment. >> how brief that moment must have been. >> wow. all right. tremendous day in baseball with action in all four division series taking place. two of the series started yesterday. we will start with the pirates visiting st. louis. >> the cardinals' carlos beltran
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hit a three-run homer in the second and the cards put up seven runs in that inning and cruise to an easy 9-1 win. game two is this afternoon. >> the nightcap, it was the dodgers in atlanta taking on the braves. l.a. up 2-0 in the third when gonzalez belts a two-run homer making it 4-nil. dodgers' pitcher clayton kershaw struck out 12 in seven innings. more than enough. l.a. takes a one-game lead after the 6-1 victory. game two in atlanta tonight. there's a very big golf tournament going on in ohio. it is called the president's cup and it features americans versus an international team. >> it's a big deal. >> it is. >> all the game's big names were there. the star was sammy the squirrel. there's tiger wood's girlfriend lindsey vaughn. taking ahold of sammy. that is davis love. he has the squirrel in his pocket. she takes it out and will put it on tiger's back. >> tiger seemed a little irritated at first. from what we understand, there
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it is. he doesn't realize what is going on. oh, get that off of me. >> he is all about the golf. >> he warmed up to the little guy eventually. sammy was found by davis love iii who kept sammy with him all day long. >> a lot of people get on tiger woods. i happen to be a giant fan of him. i never abandoned him and never will. this is why some people among other reasons that don't warm up to tiger woods. cut the smile, warm up. get a little warm with your girlfriend. >> keep drinking the kool-aid, the tiger woods kool-aid. >> that is why he is tiger woods. >> he is way too focused. >> why he is number one. among other reasons. >> he is focused on golf and other things. >> well, well. >> well, well. >> i still love him. >> well. all right, coming up, two different dramas caught on "insomniac theater." what viewers are saying about this out-of-this-world movie called "gravity."
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and the star-studded gambling thriller "runner runner." the story of lost and found featuring fans, the fab four and their love for the beatles. you are watching "world news now." ♪ >> announcer: "world news now" weather brought to you by united health care. s, i looked at my options. then i got a medicare supplement insurance plan. [ male announcer ] if you're eligible for medicare, you may know it only covers about 80% of your part b medical expenses. the rest is up to you. call now and find out about an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. like all standardized medicare supplement insurance plans, it helps pick up some of what medicare doesn't pay. and could save you in out-of-pocket medical costs. to me, relationships matter. i've been with my doctor for 12 years. now i know i'll be able to stick with him.
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welcome back. police have new evidence. the wife of the suv driver is sharing her story for the first time. here's abc's marci gonzalez. >> reporter: the terrifying showdown between an suv and group of motorcyclists caught on camera. it's what the video doesn't show that is what police are piecing together. tracking down the person they believe captured the images of his helmet cam and capturing
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among other things the unedited version of the video. while it appears now the confrontation started when the driver of the suv hit a motorcyclist who stopped short in front of him, the attorney representing the biker, the only person charged in the case so far, says there's much more to the story. >> the video doesn't show everything that happened before. >> reporter: police believe the driver of he suv acted out of fear. proven, they say, by the four calls to 911 his wife made in a span of eight minutes asking for help as they, along with their 2-year-old daughter, found themselves with their tires slashed, surrounchd -- surrounded by a group of bikers. liam's wife released a statement that read in part, "we were faced with a life-threatening situation and my husband was forced under the circumstances to take the actions he did in order to protect the lives of our entire family." some feel those actions which left the motorcyclist paralyzed
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is unforgivable. >> if you hit someone the proper thing to do is pull over to the side. >> reporter: with a confrontation that ended with liam being dragged out of his vehicle and beaten by a man police are searching for, they say the fears were justified. she goes on to say there is nothing they could have done differently but express sympathy to the injured biker and his family. john and diana? >> story is getting more and more nuanced. it is terrible. makes you shake your head but a lot to be found out still. >> a lot more coming out. wait, over the weekend we will hear more things. some things are coming it. for example the biker in the hospital bed, who his wife says is paralyzed, apparently he has a background that's not a good background when it comes to being a motorcyclist. he's an habitual traffic offender, right to drive in massachusetts was revoked until 2017 and never had a massachusetts license or motorcycle license. that's just one of the 40 guys that were there. and there are so many sides to this story. >> to be continued.
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back in a moment. >> announcer: "world news now" continues this from our abc stations. o this story. >> to be continued. back in a moment.
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♪ she loves you ♪ and you know you should be glad ♪ ♪ she loves you how many millions of teenage girls screamed for the fab four when they sung that song 50 years ago? >> these girls recorded a fan letter and sent it along. now one of the beatles is finally responding. abc has the story. >> reporter: december, 1963. they were four guys who had just broken out over the ocean. their first number one hit in the u.k., "please please me." ♪ >> reporter: and they were just
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two british teenagers just trying to figure out how to meet the boys. barbara van zandt, 19, lynn phillips, 17, who decided the way to reach the beatles was to go high-tech reel to reel recording and the message they sat down and taped that december day 50 years ago, this is the original. >> hi, boys, it's two of your fans sending you this tape. we hope you like it. my name is barbara, i'm 5'4". >> my name is linda johnson, i'm 19 years of age. i have green eyes and long dark hair. >> this dream is just to come around the back and see you. but i suppose that will never happen, but we can always live in hope, can't we? >> reporter: then they put it in a box which looked like this but here it is. this is the original addressed where the boys were playing next. ♪ >> reporter: and near the town where they were born they cast it upon the postal system where it floated somehow for 50 years while the music changed from "yellow submarine" to "long and winding road" and on and on until one day it landed in a flea market. this bbc show was notified by the guy who bought the tape and
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happened to listen to it and the reporter set up a lovely, sweet moment. >> there she is. >> reporter: barbara and lynn lost touch 40 years ago. and the reporter got through to paul mccartney who did the right thing and answered his fan mail with a letter to them. "thank you very much for your lovely tape, it finally got through. better late than never. great to hear you found each other all of these years. keep enjoying the music, love paul." well, as lynn and barbara said, "we can only hope." nice ending now and 50 years back for the pair of them, the originals. john donvan, abc news, washington. >> crazy. i'm sure they were excited to hear from sir paul mccartney. when they were 17 they wanted to go backstage. take a picture of them, touch their hair. take pictures. >> i'm in there too. >> you weren't -- >> i'm the guy they let go. >> i haven't aged a bit.
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>> were you playing the guitar. >> i don't know. i wasn't born then. aged a bit. >> were you playing the guitar? >> '63, i wasn't born then. and his s hi schooool union is comg up i in attle.e. evereryone's goioing then w we ard ababouhotwirire and reized we cououldctualllly ford take e bo tripsps. see, when n rely nicice tels ve unsnsolrooms,s, they usese hwire toilill em. so we gogot our fo-star r hols for r ha pricece. i shouldld he beenen ved mo likelely travevel. ♪ h-o-t-w-w-i-e... . ♪ sasaveig on n carentalals o fr $ $115 a daday. because you can't beat zero heartburn. woo hoo! [ male announcer ] prilosec otc is the number one doctor recommended frequent heartburn medicine for 8 straight years. one pill each morning. 24 hours. zero heartburn.
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keep love strong with new iams woof delights. it is time for "insomniac theater." >> we have a look at two movies out this weekend. first looks amazing. "gravity" stars sandra bullock and george clooney in a movie set in space. bullock plays an engineer on her first shuttle mission and george clooney plays a veteran astronaut. during the space walk, disaster strikes and the shuttle is completely destroyed. >> permission to retrieve dr. stone. >> houston, copy. we lost houston. we lost houston. >> we need to get the hell out of here. no, don't wait for us. >> it's stuck -- >> man down! >> this is unusual. "gravity" got a 98% fresh rating
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on rotten "usa today" says that "gravity" is an enthralling giddy cinematic experience that surfaces once in a blue moon. and the "los angeles times" says "words can do little to convey the visual astonishment this space opera creates. it is a film whose impact must be experienced in 3-d on a theatrical screen to be fully understood." wow! >> that sounds like a blockbuster. >> you think? >> my movie not so much. next movie not as impressive, this one's called "runner runner." starring ben affleck and justin timberlake about a college student who pays for school with on-line gambling and bottoms out. he travels to costa rica to confront the guy who runs the operation. >> i say your dad is a deputy. money like that you get a reputation. that's how i knew how to find him. hopefully we can get him some help and get you some help, too. here's the thing your dad owes $187,000.
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this is what i did. i bought the debt. >> critics did not love this one. scott of the "new york times" said, "it feels like a half-hearted bluff and has the stale smell of yesterday's aftershave." ouchy. and from the "washington post," "runner runner is a bummer bummer." >> oh, no. >> bummer. >> i was excited. >> i know. we had some good people in the movie. i thought it would actually come through. >> how did two people with such cred pick up a script that turns out to be a bummer bummer? >> a dud, right. i will tell you this, "gravity" i'm excited about. >> that looks amazing. >> something you want to see. >> and maybe not wait for on demand because it is visually stunning. >> you heard what they said, you have to see it in the theater. 3-d is the way to go. >> see you in a bit, folks. visually stunning. >> you heard what they said, you have to see it in the theater. 3-d is the way to go. >> see you in a bit, folks.
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this morning on "world news now" -- [ gunfire ] >> chaos at the capitol. the gunshots, intense chase, and a woman and small child leading police on a pursuit. [ gunshots ] >> you heard pops, three, four, five shots. i don't know if they were shots or not. >> emerging details about the suspect's state of mind. war of words. the president's blame game as the government shutdown goes in to day number four. frustration, political noise and hints about a budget deal. selling steroids. promises of strength, speed, athletic performance with a point and click. >> steroids work like magic. >> the online offers from the promises from the foreign sellers and the dangers upon
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delivery. it is friday, october 4th. >> announcer: from abc news, this is "world news now" with john muller and diana perez. >> good friday morning, everyone. we begin with the latest details on the capitol shooting. we are learning much more about the suspect in the case identified as a dental hygienist living in connecticut. >> miriam carey's family says she suffers from severe postpartum depression. karen travers is following the latest on the investigation from capitol hill. >> reporter: for the second time in less than two weeks, chaos and panic here at the nation's capitol. family members identified miriam carey as the 34-year-old from stamford, connecticut, led police on high-speed chase throughout the city before she was shot and killed. it was a dramatic high-speed chase from the white house to the u.s. capitol. it ended when law enforcement officials shot and killed a female suspect. 34-year-old miriam carey, of stamford, connecticut, who had a
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history of mental illness. the chase began 2:18 p.m. at the southeast corner of the white house compound. the black car rams in to a barricade. >> just took off. >> reporter: carey takes off up pennsylvania avenue, taking secret service and capitol police officers on a wild chase for a mile and a half around d.c.'s iconic monuments. by 2:40 p.m. she stops at the botanical gardens. she is surrounded by police with guns drawn. a patrol car tries to block her, but she puts it in reverse and speeds away. the first shots are fired. >> i heard gunshots and the car tore out of the area back in this direction with the police cars following. >> reporter: at 2:45 p.m., carey is finally stopped a block from the supreme court near the senate office buildings. lawmakers at the capitol hear another round of gunfire. the capitol complex goes on lockdown. lawmakers told to shelter in place. >> we heard shots. >> we heard pops, three, four, five pops. i don't know if
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they were shots or not. >> reporter: carey was fatally shot without leaving her driver's seat. authorities are trying to piece together a motive. no weapon was found in the vehicle, but inside was a toddler who was unharmed. because of the government shutdown, the u.s. capitol police that were part of today's dispute are not getting paid. they are considered essential, but they will not get a paycheck until the government shutdown ends. >> what more have you heard about the suspect? >> reporter: she's 34 years old, from stamford, connecticut. she had a baby last august, that was presumably the toddler in the car just over a year old. family members tell abc news that she suffered from severe postpartum depression and at one point hospitalized. she was never violent. there are many questions why she would have done this. there are reports she was in connecticut two days ago where she worked as a dental hygienist, and they don't know why she came to d.c. or led police on this chase or was so intent to make
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so much chaos first at the white house and here at capitol hill. >> karen, take us to the family's home. the intense scene at the home in connecticut. >> reporter: it was a hazmat scene. there were officials coming in full hazmat suits and it was unclear why they were doing that. the apartment was sealed off. 50 people displaced from their home, and law enforcement officials said they were trying to go through, at some point they were going inside to get more evidence. family say they don't have any answers and are shocked this happened. >> all right. karen travers reporting live from capitol hill. >> stay with abc news as we uncover the latest about the capitol hill shooting. stay tuned for live updates on "america this morning" and "good morning america." >> this morning word that a deal may be in the works to break the budget stalemate in washington. high-level republicans are working on a plan to fund the
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government as part of a broader deal that will raise the debt ceiling. this amid growing frustration as the shutdown enters the fourth day. here's abc's jonathan karl. >> reporter: the stock market slid further, the dow dropped 700 points in two weeks as washington's dysfunction spooks investors and for good reason. the treasury department warned of an unprecedented, catastrophic financial crisis and recession that could echo the events of 2008 or worse. if congress fails to raise the so-called debt ceiling to allow the government to borrow money to pay its bills. >> the longer it goes on the worse it will be. and it makes no sense. >> reporter: campaign-style event, president obama lashed out at republicans in the house, demanding they vote on a bill to fund the government with no strings attached. >> the speaker of the house, john boehner, simply let the bill get on the floor for an up or down vote, the shutdown would end today. the only thing that is keeping
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the government shut down. >> reporter: republicans voted to reopen parts of the government, including national parks and cancer research, but they continue to demand at least some changes to the health care law before fully reopening the government. >> because there's an insistence on no negotiations, no talking, my way or the highway, we are here. >> reporter: there are no meetings, plans or talk of compromise. in fact, the house of representatives plans to go home this weekend. jonathan karl, abc news, the white house. we want to know what you want to say to lawmakers. send us an instagram video with the the hash tag #tellwashington. tropical storm karen is threatening the gulf coast to the new orleans panhandle. the storm will bring heavy rain, even if it is not a hurricane when it comes ashore. the governors of louisiana, mississippi and florida declared states of emergency. dangerous winds and heavy downpours could make a mess out of this weekend. >> jim dickey has the latest on
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tropical storm karen. good morning, jim. >> reporter: good morning, john and diana. we are tracking a tropical system here. karen sitting over the central gulf of mexico drifting off to the north. now it is fighting off dry air, fighting sheer. not that likely it becomes a hurricane. if it does, a minimal hurricane and likely downgrading to a tropical storm before it makes landfall early sunday morning. the impacts much the same. regardless, we will see soaking, flooding rainfall along the gulf coast as it moves inland. flooding rain inland in to georgia, as well. john and diana, back to you. >> thank you for that. twitter has taken the first steps to becoming a public company them newly released financial report gives us a glimpse of the social media giant. the stock sale could raise a billion dollars, although its revenue is growing, twitter is losing money. the stock will go on sale in three weeks, but the price has
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not been set. instagram made it official. ads are on the way. the company made the announcement explaining it as part of sustaining instagram into a sustainable business. advertisers will post videos that will be mixed in with your own. here's some coaching tips for the millionaires getting ready for the nba season. >> let's call it dribbling 101. courtesy of a polar bear at the san diego zoo. he is bouncing the ball off the bottom of the tank like a pro. >> he comes to the surface for a little air and goes right back at it. mostly, by the way, dribbling with his front right paw. excellent tutorial in basketball. sign that guy up. >> how cool is that? >> who needs a really good player these days? >> i want to see what the knicks can do. i'd like to know how it is to bounce a ball under water. do you have to have a tremendous force? that's just like a -- >> probably. >> could we do that? >> i don't think so. he is so powerful. >> like a love tap. >> like a medicine ball. >> not even a real basketball. >> i have to try it out. i'm curious. next time i get in a pool i will have to bounce a ball. >> today is happy world animal day. happy world animal day. coming up, an athletic feat you have to
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see to believe, 46 hand springs. it's a world record. insomniac kitchen is open. tasty treats from a new york institution known for its cheesecake and fried chicken. you are watching world news now -- you watching "world news now." ♪ food glorious food >> announcer: "world news now" weather brought to you by no no hair removal. now ♪ food glorious food >> announcer: "world news now" weather brought to you by no no hair removal.
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to prove the skeptics wrong. hi. are you karen? [ karen ] yes, i am you said in a focus group, "they just mask the smell." i'm going to ask you to find the smelliest item in your home. here. okay. [ laughs ] very, very strong dog odor. this is febreze free. it has no perfume. wow. now it smells clean, and it doesn't have an odor. you're welcome. [ male announcer ] odor elimination without masking. the proof is in every bottle of febreze fabric refresher. breathe happy.
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♪ drugs that promise speed and strength are in demand. some people are going to any length to get them. >> an abc news investigation uncovered a vast overseas market for steroids, but what's really in those drugs? david kerley has the story. >> reporter: some want this look, six-pack abs, muscles cut. others want to hit a baseball like this. teens have been flocking to steroids. a staggering 1.5 million admit to using the drug. taylor hooten, a high school pitcher, did to get big, but not without side effects. now there are concerns over an easy way to score steroids. >> steroids work like magic. >> reporter: on youtube, some
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videos promote, others lead to sites where you can buy. >> we are looking for steroids. >> reporter: 22 million hits, but guess what, most of the drugs come from overseas. >> prescription is not required to order our products. illegal in the united states. >> reporter: an online watchdog, the digital citizens alliance, saw an explosion of these sites and went shopping. one package from thailand, the product said made in pakistan. one from slovakia, said made in china. one vial had steroids, but it is unclear how potent. this was supposed to be human growth hormone but it wasn't. in fact, the lab couldn't determine exactly what users would be putting in their bodies. >> there are instances where it is found to be lead or arsenic. much of the raw product comes from china. as the pictures show, the steroids are not always show the steroids are not always made in sterile conditions, flies on filter and a motorcycle in the back.
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>> this is international drug dealing. it is places we have no control over and going directly to our kids. >> reporter: youtube makes money from all kinds of ads that accompany the videos, telling abc news it has systems to prevent ads from appearing on objectionable material and that it removes millions of videos each year that violate our policies, videos flagged for our attention. don hooten says youtube should be member proactive. taylor was his son who, after using steroids, became depressed and committed suicide. >> if the kids can find these sites, then google and youtube can find these sites and shut them down. >> reporter: after abc news started to a answer questions, youtube says it is blocking its ads connected to buy steroids searches but thousands remain alike click away. david kerley, abc news, washington. >> how scary is that?
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>> we are talking about the the worldwide web. so many people are going on and posting things and i understand how you tube is saying we would need a watch dog of our own to monitor videos out there but maybe that is what needs to happen if that is the stuff getting. >> to think you are almost hoping you are getting steroids when you buy steroids versus what else it could be. >> arsenic, lead. they couldn't even identify one vial. >> scary. >> absolutely. up next, a trip inside "insomniac kitchen." and a visit to juniors a new york institution for a hearty snack. a soldier is calling a 12-year-old boy his hero. you are watching "world news now." >> announcer: world news now continues after this from our abc stations.
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♪ ♪ well i like my chicken that song pretty much says it all. one of my favorite guilty pleasures -- and i'm sure one of yours and yours, a great piece yours and yours, a great piece of fried chicken. >> that's right. we sent amanda van allen to junior's to get the famous finger licking fried chicken recipe. >> reporter: we are juniors in brooklyn, new york, where we are going to learn how to make fried chicken. they are famous for their cheesecake but today we are going to learn something a little bit different. i'm so excited. >> me, too. we've been making fried chicken at junior's for 63 years, believe it or not. >> reporter: what's our first step? >> you have to have great chicken. we will make a batter and a breader. for that we will use whole eggs. >> reporter: okay, how many eggs? >> five whole eggs. >> reporter: okay.
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okay, how much milk is that? >> i believe that's a cup and a quarter. all-purpose flour. little cornmeal. little kosher salt. baking powder. fresh black pepper. >> reporter: all right. we mix it all together. >> now we will make the flour mixture that we will use to coat the chicken. all-purpose flour, cajun seasoning -- so if you want your chicken more spicy, paprika, salt and black pepper. want to do this neatly. if you want to do this neatly, you can use a pair of tongs if you want. coat that a little bit. let it sit and then rest it right here. thighs, my favorite part. you want to basically make this two turns and done. here's some breasts. we'll put it -- i like to do the back side down first. if you want to stick your knife in it and see if the juices run clear. when the juices run clear, food's done. so there we go. >> the best part is about to
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happen. >> yeah. >> we are going to -- >> yeah, sit, relax and eat fried chicken. >> these are some of your famous sides. >> mac and cheese, cole slaw, traditional with fried chicken. mashed potatoes, collard greens. >> reporter: let's dig in. >> cheers. >> reporter: i'm so excited. no meal would be complete without dessert. so of course juniors is super famous for their cheesecake. as you can see here. >> we have a few slices here. >> reporter: oh man, i'm so excited. cheers. >> thank you to amanda for this piece. i knew about the cheesecake but -- >> i didn't know about the chicken at all. >> now i do. >> i'm really excited about this. let me give this a try. >> what kind of cheesecake is here?
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>> they have red velvet, which i will dig in to in a second. devil's food cheesecake. check that thing out. strawberry cheese pie. beautiful strawberries on the top. they're enormous, by the way. >> pumpkin. i can see that one. >> this is pumpkin one. regular cheesecake, which i must say while everything is delicious the platter, just the regular, plain cheesecake is the best thing they make. it is so delicious. by the way, the fried chicken is amazing as well. it is tender, juicy on the inside, crispy and flaky on the outside. i hope we are making you jealous. i wish this was smell-a-vision. >> everything fat free. no calories at all. >> not a calorie in sight. just the kind of food i like. >> sometimes it is good to be us. >> sometimes. >> it is friday and we are happy. >> like today. >> juniors, thank you. amanda, thank you for that
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report. coming up an athletic accomplishment you have to see to believe. it is "the mix" and our friday polka. s "the mix" and our friday polka.
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welcome to "the mix." we have incredible video to show you. this is mary klein, a cheerleader in ohio, and she also happens to be the brand new record holder of back flips. check her out. or back hand springs. >> seven, eight, nine, ten. i'm not going to count. >> before the world record is official who was there counting all of them. she does 40 and beats the last world record which was 36. it almost looks fake after a while. >> it does. >> i'm getting dizzy watching her. >> absolutely. how does she not pass out? i wonder what happens at the end -- can she walk away? does she have to sit on the ground. >> this is incredible. >> and she is still on her feet.
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>> on her feet. >> amazing. >> no fuss, no muss. >> that's truly amazing. okay, put up the picture. this is a czech broadcaster doing the czech news. what's going to happen here? you see that thing up here. that is male genitalia blacked out on the monitor. the television and berries. the nether regions as diana perez likes to call it. they explained it is part of a documentary and shouldn't have been up there and they don't know how it got up there and they all laughed about it. that was on czech nightly news. doing! >> have a nice weekend. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ [ applause ] ♪ [ applause ]
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this is your computer. let's go on the internet. let's go. ok. she's going to love me all over again now. jamaica, here you come! here we go. ha ha! good job. all right.
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this morning on "world news now," intense investigation. the intend investigation and wild scene on capitol hill. a woman shot dead, her child riding in the car, and what police are uncovering this morning. federal frustration, the political noise on capitol hill as the president points fingers. the search for progress in solving the government shutdown now going in to its fourth day. young hero. a u.s. soldier who's saluting a 12-year-old boy for his incredible life-saving act. what happened on the water that put a trained military man in deep trouble. and celebrity advice. the wisdom going out to young miley cyrus from sinead o'connor. that's in "the skinny" on this friday, october 4th. >> announcer: from abc news,
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this is "world news now" with john muller and diana perez. good friday morning. we begin with new details about the shooting at the nation's capitol. the suspect is identified as miriam carey. a dental hygienist who lived in stamford, connecticut. police and a hazmat team have been at her apartment complex in stamford since last night. >> a family member in brooklyn, new york, revealing carey suffered from postpartum depression so severe it required hospitalization. our coverage on the shooting begins on capitol hill with abc's jim avila. >> reporter: the unmistakable sound of gun fire as an unarmed woman, sources say had a history of mental illness and a toddler in her backseat eludes police. taking secret service and capitol hill officers on a wild mile and a half ride around d.c. monuments and up america's most important street, pennsylvania avenue. >> i heard gunshots. >> reporter: it started here at 2:12, the southeast corner of the white house compound. the black car rams into barricades that do their job.
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eyewitnesses say uniformed secret service agents are watching it all. secret service begins the chase up pennsylvania avenue to the foot of capitol hill. by 2:30, she stopped at the botanical gardens. look again as she is surrounded by police, guns drawn. a patrol car tries to block her but she puts it in reverse and speeds away. that's when the first gunshots are fired at the fleeing vehicle. the tv cameraman and arabic speaker follows her as she circles the peace memorial in front of the capitol and buzzes up constitution avenue. only then is she out of range and finally stopped past the senate side of the capitol, a block from the supreme court at 2:32. it's then that members of congress, walking toward their offices on a perfect fall day,
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begin hearing a new round of gunfire. they are told to hide their identities. inside the capitol, in fact by 2:23, members of congress have been told, via loud speakers, to shelter in place. >> we thought we heard shots, saw a lot of police cars and then heard shots and then the police told us to go back. we were simply walking back to our office. >> it sounded like shots. >> reporter: the shots they heard came from police surrounding the black car. the suspect is fatally shot, without leaving her driver's seat. the most serious injury to a law enforcement officer is a capitol police officer, who joined the pursuit and hit a capitol barricade as it was being released to lockdown the area. >> madam speaker, with your permission, i ask for a moment of silent prayer for those officers injured today. >> reporter: jim avila, abc news. >> we are gradually getting more details about the suspect, miriam carey.
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>> let's go live to capitol hill where karen travers is standing by this morning. karen, what else have we been able to uncover about this woman? >> reporter: 34-year-old miriam carey was from stamford, connecticut, and family members say she had a baby in august of last year, a daughter who is about 1 years old now and thought to be the toddler in the vehicle during that high-speed chase. she was a dental hygienist who lived in stamford, and family members say she suffered from severe postpartum depression but was never violent. and there are many questions as to why she ended up in washington, d.c., and why she led police on the chase and what was behind everything that happened yesterday. >> karen, the government shutdown playing a role in this this with capitol police working a difficult day with no pay. >> reporter: that's right, john. the capitol police that were involved in yesterday's pursuit are not getting paid. they are considered essential employees, but not going to get a paycheck until the government
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is up and running. they will get back pay for that. another aspect where the government shutdown played a role yesterday, it was very quiet on capitol hill all of this week. most staffers are not working. you don't see tons of people walking around the hallways, walking around the sidewalks and buildings around the capitol hill complex. that's one good thing with the incident that happened yesterday. police everywhere and of course the high-speed chase going on. you didn't have all of the numbers of people that would normally be here if the capitol was fully up and running. >> karen travers reporting live from capitol hill for us this morning, thank you. there may be behind-the-scenes movement to ending the government shutdown. republicans are leaning toward a deal that would include raising the debt ceiling. meanwhile, the president and gop leaders are stepping up the political rhetoric. >> if the speaker of the house, john boehner, simply let the bill get on the floor for an up or down vote, the shutdown would end today.
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>> because there is an insistence on no negotiations, no talking, my way or the highway, we are here. [ applause ] >> reporter: president obama has cancelled his planned trip to asia next week because of the shutdown. texas lawmaker wendy davis is back in the national spotlight. davis rose to national prominence in june for her nearly 13-hour filibuster against new abortion restrictions in texas. the democrat announced she is running for governor. her opponents plan to use davis' abortion stand as a rallying cry to christian conservatives. california joined the growing list of states allowing illegal immigrants to get driver's licenses. governor brown signed the bill in front a cheering crowd in los angeles. it was backed by law enforcement and insurance companies. they want to be sure that immigrants are properly trained and tested before driving. tropical storm karen churning in the gulf of mexico on the way to the u.s. mainland. people who live from new orleans to the florida panhandle are getting ready. they are taking boats out of the
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water, securing homes and getting supplies. heavy rain definitely on the way. the tropical storm is gaining strength and could grow to a category one hurricane by the time it arrives. dangerous wind and flooding downpours are expected as tropical storm karen moves to the shore. >> let's get the latest from jim dickey at accu-weather. >> reporter: good morning, here's karen sitting right in the middle of the gulf of mexico here drifting slowly to the north and northwest. we are expecting the storm to make a turn to the north and east. generally stay around the intensity it is now. likely staying a tropical storm. it could potentially reach minimum hurricane force but likely then reaching tropical storm force again. as it makes landfall you will deal with sheer and dry air. that will keep it fairly weak but some soaking rainfall to the gulf coast and the northeast through the weekend. john and diana, back to you. >> all right. jim dickey, thank you for that. while the gulf prepares for that tropical storm, it's winter in the rockies. heavy snow fell there and will fall and move to the upper midwest and santa ana winds will
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blow across southern california. showers and thunderstorms along the gulf ahead of karen's arrival. pleasant and warm in the mid-atlantic and northeast states. >> 79 new york. 88 miami. 88 kansas city. 51 colorado springs. 43 billings, and 63 degrees in seattle. we are talking about the snow, here's what some of it looked like. very white, as you can see. just like snow should on oregon's mt. hood there. there was plenty of it. more than 17 inches had daredevils flying off of a roof of a building there. >> they are already in midwinter form. the folks hitting the slopes said the snow is heavy and wet but overall they said any snow is better than no snow at all. and you can keep it all. >> those guys are good, getting into it early. the timberline resort is not open for business yet until mid-november. i'm guessing they're guys who work there. >> they are probably the ones that test it before the crowds arrive. they are happy to be there i'm sure. >> pretty cool. coming up, sinead o'connor has a strong message for miley cyrus. the 12-year-old boy saluted for rescuing a soldier in big trouble. it wasn't as easy as it seems,
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though. you are watching "world news now." ♪ i need you now ♪ rescue me in the middle of the ocean ♪ >> announcer: "world news now" weather brought to you by colonial penn life insurance. >> announcer: "world news now" weather brought to you by colonial penn life insurance. blampt r -- "world news now" weather brought to you by colonial penn life insurance. ce.
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a guy who we usually call a
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you see the gray. try root touch-up by nice 'n easy. just brush our permanent color matching creme right where you need it. then rinse. in ten minutes zap those grays and get on with your day. nice 'n easy root touch-up.
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♪ rescue me in the middle of the ocean ♪
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a guy we usually call a hero is applying that to a young boy. >> a soldier kayaking in a reservoir became trapped in rough waters. the boy was able to save the soldier's life. and that's why it is our "favorite story of the day." olivia wilson from our station in colorado springs has more. >> i was scared for my life. >> reporter: words that staff sergeant wesley patton never dreamed he would think on 11 mile reservoir. he was kayaking on sunday when choppy waters flipped over his kayak. 12-year-old aidan and his dad were fishing nearby. >> i yelled and asked if you are okay and he said yeah. >> reporter: "yeah" turned in to uh-oh quickly. >> as it filled with water, the boat was pulling me over. >> reporter: wesley of tangled in his net and fishing gear, and his kayak was sinking. >> i said, are you still okay and he said, no, i need help. >> reporter: aidan started to toss anything in the boat to save him. >> i threw these which would help him because it is a life jacket.
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>> reporter: a panicked wesley made it to the edge of the boat. >> we were pulling him up here. pulling him up -- it was not easy. >> reporter: safe. but it wasn't over yet. when he made it on board -- >> we had him here. >> reporter: wesley realized he was having an asthma attack. >> he was breathing heavy. >> reporter: once the three got to shore, aidan jumped out of his boat and rushed to the truck to get the inhaler so wesley could breathe normally again. >> what was going through my mind, nothing because i was in total shock. >> reporter: he must have hidden the shock. >> he was very mature and helpful. >> reporter: next month, patton will be fighting to save others, but he'll always remember the brave boy who fought turbulent waters to save him. >> i was like oh, i saved a guy's life. >> i will live another day for him. >> reporter: in lake george, newschannel 13. >> how cool is that kid? >> so mature he needs to run for mayor of his town. >> he is like, i threw him a life jacket because it is a life jacket and will save his life.
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>> a neat kid. and even when they were on shore, it wasn't over yet. he had to run and get the asthma medicine. >> must have had the presence of mind because he sudden he was in -- because he said he was in shock. a lot of people in that situation start to panic but to have the presence of mind, he needs help. i can help him and this is how i can help him at such a young age. >> and the way he re-creates the story, the smile -- he is a showman. we love that kid. >> yeah. good for him. congratulations. coming up, the 16-year-old who's singing her way to the top of the charts. and a special song of tribute performed during last night's episode of "glee." we will have it in "
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babies aren't fully developed until at least 39 weeks. a healthy baby is worth the wait.
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♪ skinny ♪ skinny ♪ so skinny skinny time. >> get your tissues ready. if you are a fan of "glee." we have been waiting for the tribute to cory monteith to
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happen. it is going to happen on thursday, october 10th. but there is a preview of the tribute. it's called "a farewell to finn promo." this information is courtesy of e by the way. it shows the cast putting together a memorial for hudson as le '-- lea michele sings adele's track "make you feel my love." listen in. ♪ i could make you happy ♪ make your dreams come true ♪ nothing that i wouldn't do ♪ go to the ends of the earth for you ♪ ♪ to make you feel my love >> must have been very hard for that. ryan murphy told reporters it was incredibly difficult to work on this and difficult to shoot. on this and shoot. several cast members no longer on the series, regulars are returning to the show. so a lot of extra people in here. the farewell to finn airs at
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thursday, 9:00 p.m. on fox, october 10th. >> i can't imagine how difficult that is. to grieve on your own at home in your own space is one thing but to do it out in public. that was her boyfriend and they were talking about marriage. it's hard. move on to this. sinead o'connor penned an open letter to miley cyrus. miley conducted an interview with "rolling stone" that said sinead o'connor's "nothing compares to you" is her inspiration for "wrecking ball." the one where she is on the wrecking ball sometimes clothed and sometimes naked and then this scene where she is singing in to the camera and starts crying. that is reminiscent of sinead o'connor's "nothing compares to you" video, as well. sinead o'connor took the opportunity to pen an open letter to miley and essentially she is telling her to not let hollywood make her into a prostitute in not so many words. here's what she says -- i'm showing concern for those around you that have
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led or encouraged you to believe that this is cool to be naked and licking sledge hammers in your videos. it is not in any way an empowerment of yourself or any other women for you to send across a message that you are to be valued more for your sexual appeal than your obvious talent. she is calling her talented and appealing to her to tone it down a little bit. i think everyone can understand where she is coming from. well, miley cyrus responded to the whole deal by taking to twitter and unfortunately making fun -- making a joke of sinead o'connor's mental illness. she tweeted before amanda bynes there was dot dot dot. and we know that amanda bynes is dealing with mental illness. >> that is a brilliantly wicked little response. says it all and says nothing. >> right. let's talk about britney. someone who started it all. she says in a radio interview, and this is courtesy of tmz she was pushed to be too sexy in her new video which is called "work" -- rhymes with witch, "work, b."
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she says she's a mom now and was worried about being too sexy. she said i cut out half of the video because it is too much skin now that i'm a mom in the racy scenes. she said, "i'd like to bring it back to the old days when it was one outfit throughout the whole thing and make it about the dance." isn't that funny? britney spears the older, wiser. >> now saying it is too sexy. >> life is a cycle. >> how long before miley cyrus says the same thing? >> exactly right. sticking with miley cyrus, 16-year-old lorde hit the billboard top 100 and she is number one, smashing everything in her path, including miley cyrus' "wrecking ball." let's take a quick listen to this. ♪ >> so she is essentially the anthesis of miley cyrus. she keeps it all covered up and this is her hit, "roiled." she will be on gma later today
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so you can hear it. ♪ her hit, "roiled." she will be on gma later today so you can hear it. she will be on gma later today so you can hear it. it. "gma" later on today so you will be able to hear it.
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♪ the government shutdown dominated the news this week. here's our friday rewind. >> this is a very sad day for our country. >> i think it is crazy. the whole holding the government hostage over obama care is ridiculous. >> if they were going to lose their paychecks like everybody else lost their paychecks it may motivate them to solve some of the problems they are facing now. >> the president reiterated one more time tonight he will not negotiate. all we are asking for is a discussion and fairness for the american people under obama care. >> am i exasperated? absolutely i'm exasperated because this is entirely unnecessary. >> uh-oh, message says health
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care insurance marketplace is busy. please wait. >> i was not successful. seems to be a small glitch. >> paralyzed from the waist down. his spine broken in two places and there's no hope for that, as well. >> a decision was reached after careful consideration of five months of testimony. >> michael jackson was pretty used to getting his own way. he was a big star. >> how have you changed? >> i know that my family was expecting the old amanda back, which is the old amanda back and i'm not quite as chirpy anymore. >> i just asked mia pointblank, is ronnan frank sinatra's son? >> what was her answer when you asked her face to face? >> she said possibly. >> that connection comes from an unrequited love, if you will. we never consummated anything and i will guarantee you everybody thinks we did. >> could we now before we die? >> those two are so much fun
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together. they are making fun of each other's facelifts. >> that was probably the best part of the interview. she talks about how people criticized her because she thought she put beauty ahead of her health as in her large cleavage. >> she's natural, right? that's nothing -- >> i'm not sure about that. sorry, john. >> don't know. >> we will have a conversation after. >> you can fill me in. we want to remind you, by the way, about a very special feature on our facebook page for our facebook fans. >> it is called "in case you missed it." it features the best moments of the week, log on to our facebook page at to check it out. >> we have a bunch of them on there and they are actually quite funny. go on there and check it out. >> that's what is making news this half hour. see you in a little bit. >> announcer: this is abc world's news now, informing insomniacs for two decades. >> announcer: this is abc world's news now, informing insomniacs for two decades. world's news
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we were told nothing could be done, to enjoy these final moments together. but in that moment, when all seemed lost... st. jude children's research hospital gave us hope. announcer: because at this moment, st. jude children's research hospital is saving lives with pioneering research and care. we're changing the way the world treats childhood cancer by sharing our discoveries with doctors and scientists everywhere. and we'll never have to pay st. jude for anything, ever. at this moment, she wants to be in her own bed. i want to be outside playing. announcer: please take a moment and join st. jude in finding cures and saving children. visit
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making news in america this morning -- chaos at the capitol. a woman with her baby in the car, ramming the white house barricades, forcing officers to shoot. this morning, new details about the woman and the investigation. severe weather. a suspected tornado touches down in the midwest overnight, as people along the gulf coast brace for a powerful tropical storm. and life saver. a soldier finds himself in a serious situation. luckily, a pint-sized hero is nearby. and teasing tiger. the world's number one golfer is not amused when his girlfriend puts a live animal right on his neck. good morning.


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